Specialized Teams

First Aid

  • To be a first responder for injured or ill victims.

  • Provide CPR and basic first aid.

  • Support local events and activities with first aid needs.

  • Provides support during natural disasters or other significant events.


Unmanned Aerial System Operations

  • Unequaled in the level of surveillance and access that Drones provide. 

  • Provide a bird’s eye view of any location, get into indoor spaces with little difficulty, and relay images and videos in real-time to the operator. 

  • Unlike other forms of surveillance, a drone can be deployed in just a few minutes.


  • Reduces response times to each incident, with a means to move fast.

  • Provides better maneuverability in large crowds, tight areas and in high traffic congestion.

  • Able to carry more first aid equipment to an incident, making the team better prepared for any situation.


  • Expands the areas that can be covered during a search in both a timely manner and in most kinds of terrain. 

  • Transports personnel and supplies to difficult to reach areas. 

  • Provides a more noticeable presence in emergency situations. 

  • Rapid response. 

Emergency Radio Communications

  • Communication abilities covers a wide variety of resources including support of the LGMS Police Department to assist with town and city.

  • Provides support using amateur radio (HAM) during natural disasters or other significant events, which allow DART to effectively communicate with local, regional, and further.

Technical Rope Rescue

  • To safely, effectively and efficiently support the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department in their need for a technical rescue or recovery. 

  • For safety in searches or rescue, to rappel to search for patients or tie in near steep edges in a search.

  • To bring in an injured person safely near any slope.

  • Team stays current in knots, and instructors consistently provide training with rescue.

Scuba Diving

  • Provide underwater assistance in evidence collection, investigations, and recovery work in Lake Lexington, Vasona Lake and other nearby water bodies.

  • Safety divers for other agencies when the needs arise, i.e. Cal Fire Alma Helitack crews with there ditch training.

Learn and apply your skill!
Join DART and be the difference in our Community!